Archive for April, 2008

Cussing creativity

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

When I was growing up, we didn’t cuss in our house. When my dad slipped up and said the sh-word, or Mom, lady that she was, said “hell” or “damn,” it was a cause for gasps all around. So, in my linguistic naiveté, I used to use words I’d heard that I thought sounded like […]

Blogging the Blog

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Hi there.  I know, I know, it’s been a while since I posted anything.  But I attended the Jubilee Writers’ Conference at the Terrebonne Parish Library on Saturday, and one of the sessions was on blogging.  Sooo, I decided that I should do this more regularly. Here I am, then, staring at an almost-blank little […]

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